I put my 10 yr old dog down last month. Here’s what I want every senior dog parent to know.
This is my baby Daisy. In this picture, she’s only 7 years old. Oh, what I would give to go back to this age and know what I know today!
About 2 years ago, I first started noticing the signs.
Daisy use to greet me every day at the door when I returned from work. At first, she was slower to greet me. And then, it stopped altogether. She was still elated to see me, and when I walked into the living room her tail was wagging excitedly from her bed. I saw her struggle to rise, and that’s when I decided it was time to see the vet.
Our vet told me that Daisy’s joints were starting to give out. Unfortunately, German shepherds are are very prone to hip or joint or elbow issues. My vet also pointed out that Daisy had begun to gain more weight. I realized that when I noticed her slower activity, I should have adjusted her food, giving her a bit less. Now her weight was putting even more pressure on the joints, making the issue worse.
The vet prescribed a pain medication, but warned that taking it long term could take a toll on her body, especially her liver. It helped somewhat, and I also started giving her a glucosamine supplement. In researching it, I realized I should have begun giving her a joint supplement years ago. Apparently large dog breeds should be taking something as early as age 6, in order to stave off future issues.
Sadly, after working with our vet for about another year, we make the heartbreaking decision to put Daisy down at only 10 years old. Her body was just too weak, and her lack of activity was causing other problems to get worse.
Fast forward to more recently, and my other dog Jaxson, (a husky/shepherd mix), was starting to deal with some separation anxiety problems when I started going back to work after the pandemic. I heard about CBD, and saw some good results with his anxiety after giving it to him. But that’s not all I noticed. He started becoming more active than I had seen him years. He’s 12 years old, and had become less active gradually, but after giving him the CBD I couldn’t believe his rebound. He was running all over our yard, and asking for walks 3x a day!! (the product is use is the Cannanine soft chews)
IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN ABOUT CBD YEARS AGO FOR DAISY. I’m convinced that If I had given it to her, it would have extended her final days.
If you notice any of your dogs slowing down, there’s no reasons to not try CBD. It helps with both the pain and the inflammation. The product I use with Jaxson is the Cannanine CBD multi chews.
Thanks for letting me share Daisy’s story. – Melissa P.
Note from Editor: Many of you have asked about our free full size trial of our Cannanine soft chews. For a limited time, we’ve made available another 200 bottles, first come first serve. You can apply for your free trial here.
A Huge thank you to Melissa for sharing her story about Daisy and Jaxson.