A Few Drops of This Popular New Oil May Be a Huge Relief To Your Itchy Dog
When your dog has an itch, he lets you know. You may hear his alarm bells – the clinking of his tags as he vigorously scratches around his collar. Or he may be more direct in coming to you to scratch a spot he can’t reach. However it happens, and whether he knows it or not, your dog needs you to help him stop the itch!
There are dozens of potential reasons why your dog may be suffering from an allergic reaction leading to itching and scratching. Determining the exact cause of the reaction with your veterinarian can be frustrating and time consuming.
Many dog owners have recently begun turning to CBD oil from hemp to offer relief. While CBD probably won’t directly eliminate your dog’s allergies, the calming effect that it brings (which helps reduce the crazed scratching) can be substantial.
Catherine Bair, a rescue mom to two Rat Terriers told us, “I gave CBD oil to my 12 year old dog while he was suffering from a bad bout of flea dermatitis (flea allergy). Within 20 minutes, he had stopped the gnawing and chewing on his hot spot and was able to sleep.”
Research Showing Benefits of CBD for Allergies
Scientific studies and many users have found a number of uses for CBD oil, not least of all as relief for some serious allergic reactions, including allergic dermatitis and allergic asthma – itchy skin and difficulty breathing due to allergens. It’s important to tackle the problem at the root, like getting rid of fleas or throwing out food that causes an allergic reaction in your dog. But allergy symptoms can cause so much pain and irritation, it’s a big relief and a definite step in the right direction when it comes to taking care of the ones we love most: our dogs.
Giving your dog CBD oil will help bolster his immune system and reduce his need to scratch, perhaps even getting rid of the symptom altogether while you deal with the source of the itch.
Remember, It’s best to allow your vet to determine what the issue is – especially if your dog is scratching his skin open as those wounds will need to be cleaned and your dog kept from picking at them to avoid infection. Some issues that cause itching might need medication, others may be solved at home through supplementation of Omega-3 oil and an elimination diet.
Cannanine™ Organic Hemp Oil for our dogs is made with human grade ingredients and legal for use in all 50 states. It doesn’t contain any THC, so you don’t need to worry about your dog feeling “high.”
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional.