Adorable 12 Year Old “Half Pit Bull, Half Pug” With Joint Discomfort Tries CBD Oil – “Life Is Good!”
Sometimes we come across stories in our CBD for Dogs & Cats Facebook group that brings a huge smile to our faces! This is just one of those stories. Barb G. writes –
“I have a 60lb PitPug. He has been through two cancer surgeries – he’s a warrior! He has some joint discomfort and I have noticed him slowing down on his walks and seems a little confused about which driveway is ours.
Barb decided to give Cannanine CBD oil a try. A few days later she updated us in the group:
Four days ago I started giving our 60lb PitPug CBD oil drops. I started with 5ml and reduced it to 6 drops twice a day. You see he’s approaching 12 years old and has survived two bouts of cancer in the last 6 months. He has always loved his walks but recently started meandering around and mistaking multiple driveways for his. A typical 30 minute walk became closer to an hour and I could tell his joints were starting to ache. Watch this video today of him on the beach. He does love the beach and his ball but this is a marked improvement. He seems more in the moment.
Barb continues –
Everyone’s results may not be the same or as rapid but for now, I am so happy with our decision. Afterall, he’s our “Big Boy Dog” (that’s what our grands call him). His name is Soma which loosely translated means “to be worshipped” and we do! ❤️
3 weeks later, Barb gave us another exciting update:
This morning he was jumping in our bed like a puppy. His vet and ophthalmologist are stunned but so happy for him. Soma has been given 5 drops twice a day with food for a little over three weeks. He has a vet exam today and we were told the joint discomfort is gone. He has “excellent joint mobility”, per his vet. A dramatic change for this almost 12 year old Super Dog! I posted a video over Memorial Day weekend of him chasing a ball in the beach with no stiffness the next day. The vet was astonished at the improvement. ❤️ Life is good!
Special thanks to Barb for sharing this story!
If you’d like to learn more about Cannanine CBD oil, click here