Best CBD Oil For Dogs With Sundowners

Is your dog suffering from sundowners or confusion? Whether your loyal companion is potentially developing recent symptoms, or has been fighting with sundowners for years, CBD oil can offer some relief. Some dog breeds are at a much higher risk for sundowners that could develop sooner rather than later.

For these dogs, starting an early CBD oil regimen can help them enjoy more fun and active days.

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CBD Oil For Dogs With Sundowners

Cannanine™ CBD oil for dogs with sundowners can help your furry friend reduce the pain they may be experiencing due to sundowner symptoms or treatments. Our hemp oil is specifically formulated to help improve mobility, reduce pain, and reduce inflammation.

We work with the top labs in the world to make Cannanine the safest and most effective CBD oil for dogs with sundowners on the market. Cannanine has given over 50,000 pets relief – plus, every purchase funds meals for shelter dogs in need.

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The most potent and cost effective method. Cannanine cbd oil for dogs with sundowners is perfect for helping with anxiety, stress relief, and for dogs who need a sense of pain management.




Keeping my 15 year old dog walking like a champ!! I don’t think she would be around without it. So glad I gave this a try.


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What can I give my dog for sundowners?

If your dog has sundowners syndrome, also known as canine cognitive dysfunction, you want to make sure you are doing everything in your power to help ease the severity of some of the symptoms. Symptoms like aggression, agitation, confusion, restlessness, irritability, and neediness can occur at any time but are most common and/or severe in the evening hours as the light begins to change from night today. This is where the term sundowners syndrome stems from. As there is no known cure for sundowners syndrome, there are some things that you may be able to do to help lessen the severity of the symptoms.

When it comes to diet, you may want to look into increasing the antioxidant and Omega-3 fatty acid content of their diet. You could look into giving your dog either CBD oil or melatonin in the evening to calm their nervousness and to prepare them for sleep. Aside from diet, there may be some active things you can do to help mitigate some of the symptoms of sundowners syndrome. For example, going for long walks can help your pet burn off some energy before it is time to settle in for the night. Or, maybe you can play certain music or leave the light on when they are sleeping.

Whatever you decide to do, whether it is diet, actions, or both, see what works and then stick to a routine that they can familiarize themselves with and know what to expect each evening.

How do you calm a dog with dementia at night?

Having a dog with dementia can be tough. You never want to see them suffer and you hate to see them confused, irritated, or even become aggressive. If you have a dog with dementia, there are a few ways that you can calm them at night to make sure that they feel comfortable.

Keep their necessities in the same place at all times: Never move your dog’s necessities if you can help it. Necessities like their food, water, and the bed should always remain in the same places so that they can easily find them, even when they are confused. Try not to block access to those necessities as well with clutter or other obstacles.

Keep a routine: Life is not always predictable and things do come up, however, as much as you can, keep a consistent routine when it comes to what time they go to bed, when they eat, and when it is time for them to exercise or go for a walk. Exercise in the late afternoon or early evening is ideal so they can burn off any nervous energy they may have before it is time to settle in for the evening.

Make sure they have proper ID: A dog with dementia could easily wander off and forget its way home. For these reasons, it is best that you always have a collar with tags and up-to-date contact information. Even better if you want to get them micro-chipped.

Regular exercise and playtime: A dog with dementia needs exercise and playtime to stimulate their brains and to keep them engaged in the world around them.

Do not scold them for mistakes they make because of their dementia: It can be frustrating at times to have a dog with dementia, however, scolding them for behavior that is a direct result of their dementia could make things worse. Try to be patient.

Keeping your dog calm when they get confused or irritated is crucial when they are suffering from dementia. It can be difficult to handle for any dog owner, but by remembering these basic pieces of advice, you can ensure you are doing your best to keep your dog happy and healthy well into their old age.

How long does it take for CBD oil to calm a dog?

Depending on the size of your dog and whether or not they have eaten recently or not, CBD oil can take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to start to calm your dog. For example, if your pet consumes CBD after feeding time, it may take a bit longer for them to metabolize the dose on a full stomach. Therefore, if you are looking for quicker results in the evening, for example, you may want to administer CBD oil before feeding your dog. A typical dose of CBD oil can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours depending on the size of your pet.

What triggers sundowning?

No one knows the root cause of sundowning, but the main trigger seems to be when the light of day begins to fade. In the late afternoon and/or early evening, you may notice changes of behavior that can progressively get worse as it gets darker. Typically, your pet may return to a normal state by the morning hours.

Does a dog with dementia get worse at night?

Yes, typically, dogs with dementia may become worse when night comes. They may become more easily confused, be hard of seeing, or may even become aggressive or agitated. This is mainly due to sundowning which is from disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle that dogs with dementia may experience.

Do vets recommend CBD oil for dogs with sundowners?

You should always consult your personal veterinarian before beginning a CBD oil regimen for your dog with sundowners, however, there are many benefits that you and your pet with sundowners may enjoy from CBD oil. Dogs with sundowners tend to feel anxious or get agitated easily as the night approaches. A dose of CBD oil may help your pet cope with that stress and ideally feel less irritable and calm. Additionally, CBD oil has been known to help support brain health with their high concentrations of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Although it will not cure your dog, it may help to slow the progression of sundowners and dementia.

What happens if I give my dog too much CBD oil?

Ideally, you should be giving your dog the recommended amount of CBD oil each time for their size and ailment, however, sometimes mistakes do happen. If you or someone in your family ever happens to give your dog too much CBD oil, stay calm. There are no reported serious or harmful side effects for large doses of CBD oil to dogs. Depending on how your dog reacts, they could vomit, however, the most common symptoms of large doses of CBD oil include sleepiness, coordination issues, and urinary incontinence.

What does CBD oil do for dogs with sundowners?

As CBD oil will never cure a dog’ sunnerdowners, CBD oil is there to help you and your dog cope with the main symptoms of the condition. CBD oil can be used to help your dog feel less anxious or agitated, it can stimulate their appetite, and it may help them fall asleep easier.
