Does CBD Get Dogs High?

Does CBD Get Dogs High?

April 5, 2021

CBD oil has exploded in popularity among dog owners in the last 5 years. With new clinical trials showing great promise, and countless stories touting benefits, CBD is a topic every pet owner needs to be knowledgeable on.

Cannanine™ Ultra-Premium Hemp Oil (250mg, 500mg, 1000mg)

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The most potent and cost effective method. Cannanine hemp oil is great for dogs experiencing ongoing issues with mobility, a sense of calm and allergies.



No, CBD Will Not Get Your Dog “High”

Unlike THC found in marijuana, CBD from hemp has no psychoactive properties and cannot make you or your dog high. On the contrary, the calming effects of CBD will likely make your dog very relaxed, but fully coherent and responsive.

CBD from hemp contains an extremely low amount of THC (under .3%). While this amount will never cause your dog to become high, we recommend choosing a brand of CBD for dogs that removes 100% of THC from the product (such as Cannanine).



Why is CBD beneficial for my dog?

The CBD in hemp and the THC in marijuana act on different pathways of the body, yet they have many of the same medicinal benefits. According to a 2013 review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD has the following medical properties:

  • Reduces nausea and vomiting
  • Suppresses seizure activity
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
  • Alleviates pain and pain-related disorders
  • Fights anxiety and depression
  • Acts as a powerful antioxidant

Best of all, with CBD oil derived from hemp, you do not have to worry about your dog getting high, overdosing, or experiencing the serious side effects of THC.

CBD oil made from hemp is legal in all 50 US states.

Since CBD oil from hemp contains no more than 0.3% THC, it is legal across the United States. Oils made using marijuana, however, still face pushback in many states due to the potential risks associated with higher levels of THC.

How to choose an effective and safe CBD oil for your dog

Unfortunately, not all CBD oils for dogs are created equal. When it comes to hemp and marijuana products, you should always choose a CBD oil derived from hemp for your dog! Not only are they safer, these oils are far richer in healing CBD because they are made from hemp.

RELATED: 8 Things to Know Before Giving CBD to Your Dog

Your pup deserves the best, and that means a CBD product made from organically grown Colorado hemp like Cannanine™ Organic CBD Oil. Cannanine is non-GMO and free from heavy metals and bacteria. Because it is formulated specifically for dogs and cats, every trace of THC has been removed to ensure the safest, most effective product for your pet.

At iHeartDogs we believe every dog matters. That’s why we recommend safe, organic, THC-free Cannanine™ CBD Oil from Hemp for your pup.

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Popular Articles On CBD For Dogs


1. Leaf Science – 5 Differences Between Hemp And Marijuana

2. Leaf Science – 10 Facts About (Cannabidiol) CBD

3. Ministy Of Hemp – Hemp vs. Marijuana

4. Business Insider – Here’s How Hemp Is Different From Marijuana

The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.