CBD Can Kill A Dog ⚠️ (If You Don’t Watch Out For These 3 Things)
CBD for pets is all the rage. With the 2018 Farm Bill passing and making hemp based products legal in all 50 US states, there’s been an explosion of interest in this natural supplement. Particularly for pet owners with stress problems or chronic joint stiffness, many claim CBD has been a godsend.
With the explosion in the marketplace, however, many companies seeking to make a buck have introduced questionable or even dangerous products. In this article, we’ll discuss 3 ways CBD can potentially be dangerous, even lethal, to your dog:
#1 – Never Use CBD Products with Potentially Dangerous Artificial Flavorings
Because CBD has also exploded in popularity in the human market, companies have begun adding artificial and sugar free flavorings to their products in order to make them more palatable to people. Unfortunately, however, many pet owners do not realize how dangerous sugar free additives like xylitol are to their furry friends.
According to Ahna Brutlag, DVM writing for PetMD:
“Ingesting xylitol causes a rapid and massive insulin release in dogs, which will manifest itself outwardly to a pet owner as acute weakness, staggering, and vomiting. “Within 15 to 20 minutes, they might even be comatose,” she adds, and depending on the amount consumed, a dog can also experience liver failure from ingesting xylitol.
Because of the serious danger of xylitol, we recommend completely avoiding companies that sell any artificially flavored CBD products, even if they have a xylitol free pet version. It’s simply too easy for a product to be mislabeled.
#2 – Never Use CBD for Dogs That Contains THC
The vast majority of CBD products on the market contain a trace amount of THC. While the small amount of THC would not be harmful to people, dogs are particularly sensitive to THC toxicity.
While many dogs may never react to this small amount, we do find that some dogs in particular react strongly to THC. For this reason, we recommend choosing only 100% THC-free products.
According to Pet Poison Hotline, signs of THC poisoning in dogs include “Glassy-eyes, stumbling/incoordination, dilated pupils, vomiting, coma, and in about 25 percent of dogs, agitation and excitement. Urinary incontinence or urine dribbling is also very common, especially in dogs. Serious effects include changes in heart rate, coma, tremors, and seizures. The signs typically begin 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion.”
#3 – Always Review Testing for Heavy Metals, a Microbial Analysis, and Pesticides
Testing for toxins is incredibly important for hemp based products due to its unique ability to pull out toxins from the earth. Hemp is so well known for this characteristic that is was once used by farmers near Chernobyl following the 1986 nuclear disaster.
We once tested a sample CBD product sent to us and found it contained 10x the safe level of lead!
In addition to heavy metal testing for substances like lead, you’ll also want to review a microbial analysis checking for the presence of salmonella and E. coli. Finally, you’ll also want to see test results showing your product contains no pesticides. Even organically grown hemp products can become cross contaminated with pesticides from neighboring crops.
Most importantly – make sure you review test results for the exact batch of product you’re buying! Some companies simply run these tests one time, and not for each and every batch, as Cannanine does.
How to Choose a Safe CBD Product for Your Dog
As long as you heed the 3 warnings above, CBD is a very safe and relatively low side effect supplement for pets. Learn more about the benefits of Cannanine CBD below:
- Every Batch 3rd Party Tested. Free of heavy metals, toxins, and pesticides
- 100% THC-free
- Free of artificial flavorings
- Every purchase gives back to shelters – Each bottle sold donates 7 meals
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional.